A. Alvazzi del Frate. Victims of crime in the developing world. UNICRI publication No 57, Rome 1998. |
Table of Contents
National co-ordinators and contributors from developing countries
- About crime rates and the dark figure
Chapter 1
The International Crime Victim Survey in the Developing World
- Methodology of the ICVS in developing countries
- The carrying out of the ICVS in developing countries
Chapter 2
Experiences of Victimisation
- An overview of victimisation in the developing world
- Country profiles of crime
- Corruption and consumer fraud
- Trends in victimisation: 1992-1996
Chapter 3
Correlates of Victimisation
- Car recovery rates
- Burglaries involving damage and actual theft
- Personal injuries as the consequence of an assault
- Place of victimisation
- Offender's profile
- Weapons used in committing crime
- Victim support
Chapter 4
Crime Seriousness and Reporting to the Police
- Perceived seriousness of victimisation experienced
- Was it a crime?
- Reporting to the police
- Reporting corruption and consumer fraud
- Reasons for reporting
- Women victims and reporting to the police
- Satisfaction with the police
Chapter 5
Citizens' Attitudes and Fears
- Satisfaction with the police in controlling crime
- Attitudes to punishment
- Fear of crime
Chapter 6
Crime Prevention Mechanisms
- Crime prevention at the household level
- Burglar alarms
- Possession of firearms for crime prevention
Chapter 7
Selected Issues for Discussion
- Crime and development
- 1992-1996 trends
- Discussion on women victims