Documentation and Information Centre

Criminological Thesaurus


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The Thesaurus contains two types of terms: Descriptors and Entry terms.

Descriptors are terms that describe a subject matter. Under each descriptor, the following annotations may appear: Definition, Broader Terms, Narrower Terms and Related Terms.

Definitions may:

  • clarify the meaning of specific terms
  • clarify the scope of the term
  • provide suggestions for indexing and retrieval
  • provide help to users with a limited knowledge of English.

Broader term entries denote a hierarchical link and indicate one or several larger-scope descriptors encompassing the chosen descriptor. Only one-level-higher terms are noted.

Narrower term entries denote a hierarchical link and indicate one or several more specific descriptors encompassed by the chosen descriptor. Only one-level-lower terms are noted.

Related term entries clarify the scope of the descriptor (i.e. they provide further definition), and/or alert the user to other terms that may provide additional points of reference.

Entry terms pinpoint which descriptor(s) is/are to be selected by means of the annotation "SEE". Entry terms can be:

  • synonyms of a descriptor
  • language variants of a descriptor
  • terms indicating an issue for which no specific descriptor is provided, but which is indexed under one or more broader descriptors.

To search the Thesaurus, please fill in the 'Search term' field; the entered strings must be at least 3 characters long. The descriptors containing the searched token will be shown for further selection.

To browse the Thesaurus, please click on the underlined annotations.

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